Stream Ciphers

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Stream ciphers

A stream cipher is one that encrypts a digital data stream one bit or one byte at a time. Stream ciphers generate pseudorandom bits, a bit like how the one-time pad works, as explained in the previous section. Stream ciphers take two input values, a key \(K\) and a nonce \(N\), the key should be secret and is usually 128 or 256 bits. A nonce is a number that number only used once, commonly referred to as the initial value (\(IV\)) in the context of stream ciphers, which does not need to be secret, but it should be unique for each key and is usually between 64 and 128 bits.

Stream Cipher

Stream ciphers produce a pseudorandom stream of bits called the keystream, denoted \(KS\) in the diagram above. The keystream is XORed to plaintext to encrypt it and then XORed again to the ciphertext to decrypt it. In symbols, a stream cipher generates a keystream \(KS = SC(K, N)\), encrypts as \(C = P \oplus KS\) and decrypts as \(P = C \oplus KS\).

Stream ciphers allow you to encrypt a message with key \(K_1\) and nonce \(N_1\) and then encrypt another message with key \(K_1\) and nonce \(N_2 \neq N_1\), or with \(K_2 \neq K_1 \neq N_1\). Suppose we encrypted two messages with the same key \(K_1\) and nonce \(N_1\), meaning we used the same keystream. That means we could have \(C_1 = P_1 \oplus KS\), \(C_2 = P_2 \oplus KS\), which means we can determine \(P_2\) if we know \(P_1\) as

\[ \begin{aligned} C_1 = P_1 \oplus KS & \implies KS = P_1 \oplus C_1\\ C_2 = P_2 \oplus KS & \implies C_2 = P_2 \oplus (P_1 \oplus C_1)\\ & \implies C_2 = P_2 \oplus P_1 \oplus C_1 \end{aligned} \]